You might think that the phrase ‘safety first’ is a cliché. This might be true, but—like most cliches—this phrase is repeated so often because it’s true. Whatever your trade, you should know that nothing is more critical in your workplace than safety. Today, we’ll share some information about one product that can dramatically boost the safety of your workplace: the SawStop.

Table saws send 30,000 Americans to the emergency room every year. The SawStop could change that.
Protect Your Fingers!
If you’ve spent much time working with power tools, you know just how dangerous they can be. This is especially true in regards to certain kinds of saws. When using table saws or similar devices, it’s all too easy to slip up and damage a finger—or worse. NPR has estimated that table saws send as many as 40,000 to the emergency room annually in the United States. Of these, as many as 3,000 require amputations.
The SawStop is the solution to this problem. It is the safest table saw that money can buy. Before the saw blade can do damage to your hand, it stops. You may end up with a nick, but the risk of serious injury shrinks down to almost nothing.
How Does the SawStop Work?
The concept of a saw blade that stops instantaneously when it comes into contact with human skin may seem miraculous. But it actually operates using relatively simple—but supremely effective—technology.
To build your trust in the SawStop, let’s take some time to explain how it works. Essentially, the saw blade has a minute electrical signal. When the blade comes into contact with electrical currents in the human body, the signal in the saw blade will change. The SawStop takes notice of this and activates the brake. The brake will stop the movement of the blade in only 5 milliseconds. Then, the blade’s angular momentum will send it underneath the table until you reset it.
The amazing safety technology is not the only thing SawStop has going for it. In 2017, Festool acquired the company. Even if you have never heard of SawStop before, Festool is likely to be a name that you trust. The expert engineers on the SawStop team work exclusively on table saws. With that kind of dedication, you can rest assured that they have mastered their craft.
Are you interested in acquiring a SawStop yourself? Just get in touch.
Hardwood Flooring from Jason Brown Wood Floors
At Jason Brown Wood Floors, our commitment to quality installation is clear in all that we do, which is why our customers consistently rate us as one of the top contractors in the region. We have been awarded Baltimore Magazine’s Best of Baltimore Award 4 times and have been proudly serving the Baltimore Area for over 16 years. If you’re ready to speak with someone about your hardwood flooring project, we want to hear from you! Contact us at 410-668-9131 or send us a message here.
Jason Brown Wood Floors is also your convenient dealer of high-quality, professional grade power tools. We offer brands that tradespeople trust most for the job. Come check out our Bel Air showroom to browse the in-stock selection of products and tools by Festool, Freud, Diablo, Shaper, and Mirka.